Speaking Opportunities
A former elementary teacher, I love to give school and classroom presentations and workshops where I can talk to students and children of all ages. I’m also available for Zoom visits. Below are descriptions of four of my presentations but I would be happy to create something to fit your needs:
Research – The Ultimate Treasure Hunt
For grades 2- 12 (tailored appropriately for the age group)
Research is all about learning to ask questions and looking in a variety of places for answers. Like a treasure hunt it can lead to a wealth of possibilities you’ve never imagined.
From Wronged to Writer
For clubs, teachers, and civic groups
Yes, it is possible for a tractor-drivin’ farm wife to become a published author. All it takes is a bushel of work, a bucket of faith, and a wagon load of laughter.
That Bad Word: Revision
For grades 2- 12 (tailored appropriately for the age group)
Say the word “revision” and most students run for cover. It’s hard enough to think of something to write and then when it’s down on paper we ask them to revise it! During this presentation, students will participate in a hands-on demonstration of revision in action.
To request a speaking engagement or Zoom visit, check out the contact page.